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tv   Around the World  CNN  December 6, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PST

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doubt that we'll reach the goal off liberating the black people of this country within our lifetime. >> nelson mandela, speaking after his release from 27 years in prison in south africa. his conviction, his courage changed the world. mr. mandela went from freedom fighter to political prisoner to president. >> his message of reconciliat n reconciliation, not vengeance, inspired people everywhere after he negotiated a peaceful end to the brutal segregation of black
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south africans and forgiveness for what the white government had done, oppressed them and imprisoned him. today, the world is remembering ali con. >> nelson mandela. nelson mandela. ♪ >> in south africa, the grieving and mourning are mixed with songs and celebration. for the man affectionately known by his clan name madibmadiba. remembering the life and legacy of any son mandela. i'm suzanne malveaux. >> i'm michael holmes. thanks for your company. it is interesting how much of a celebration it has been. there is the mourning. there were tears tonight. today it's been singing and dancing, people celebrating the life. >> he seems to have an impact on just about everyone. people around the world are reacting. we are watching live pictures of
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him being celebrated in the streets of johannesburg. died in the suburbs of johannesburg. we want to bring you to the place where the flags are flying, where the people are cheering. that is where we bring cnn's arwa damon. arwa, we know this is something for a long time, we know he's been in ill health. there was certainly a scare back in june. did it come as a surprise? explain to us the celebration we are seeing now, the outpouring of love. >> not so much as a surprise because as you were saying there, nelson mandela was incredibly ill and had taken a turn for the worse over the last few weeks. he was fighting a very aggressive lung infection. he was 95 years old. but a lot of south africans are saying even if they felt they had time to prepare for this, when the moment came to be, they found that they were not emotionally prepared for it. many of them are trying to
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grapple with everything that they're going through right now. we're outside of had his home in johannesburg where he did pass away. people have been gathering since last night. they were showing up in their pajamas, everyone expressing their affection, love for nelson mandela in all sorts of different ways, celebrating him to include a troupe of dancers that traveled overfight to many col because for them and for so many others here, nelson mandela was larger than life. >> translator: he is beloved father and dada, dada is now gone to us because he show us everything like here in south africa, the whole world. ♪
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>> it's also been quite interesting here, speaking to the different generations. a lot of parents bringing their very young children who night not fully grasp what is happening but still wanting them to be a part of this moment, wanting to teach them even at a young age what nelson mandela was all about, the principles that he stood up for, the sacrifices that he made for south africa today. a lot of college students also remembering how it was for their parents when blacks could not go to certain schools with white students, when the two the communities were completely and totally separate and now these young black students are telling us it is simply thanks to one man, his ability to forgive, to reconcile rather than seek revenge that now they feel as if they do have the opportunity to better themselves and the nation. >> the hour i suppose, the man he was could be an object lesson
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to politicians in other parts of the world these days, a man of patience and reconciliation and forgiveness. you know, one thing that's ironic where you are now, that house, his house, he couldn't have lived there under apartheid. it was a whites only area. you mentioned the use there, the so-called born freel generation, those who never lived under apartheid. is there a sense there from the older generation thatting that born free generation needs to know that history? >> reporter: there will most certainly is, and that's a great point that you do bring up. and just to expand on that a little bit, blacks would not have been allowed into neighborhoods like this one unless they had a specific permit from their employer that allowed them access to areas like this. those permits were very restrictive. you would have a permit for one side of the street but would not be be allowed to cross into the other. that is to give you an idea what
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the situation like. when it comes to this younger generation, we've been speaking to a fair number of college students who it were maybe 1 or 2 years old when he was released from prison. they're very aware of the fact that their parents were not able to get an education. their parents were not able to ride the same buses, use the same transport that white people did. never mind employment opportunities. and they do feel a sense of responsibility they were telling us, that it is up to them, especially at this juncture in south africa's history to remind south africa's current politicians, its current government exactly what it was that any son mandela and all the others around him sacrificed for, and that was a free democratic, prosperous nation where people were treated with dignity. at the end of the day, this is still a country facing a lot of challenges and a lot of problems. >> all right. arwa damon, thank you so much. i had a chance to visit south africa in october of last year. a lot of young people still feel
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like he is their leader, the father of the country despite the fact there's totally new leadership at the is the one they're most influenced by, most moved by. >> it shocks a lot of people, he only served one term as president. >> it was very brief. >> he passed the mantle on to zuma. but one term in office, everything he did changed that country forever. we don't want to be tool pollyannaish about it, that is a country with still a lot of challenges ahead from poverty to the income inequality to corruption and the like but he changed it from what it was into this what he wanted a rainbow society is what he wanted. it's not all there yet. >> they are still fighting very much to get their political rights, as well. there's, of course, an outpouring of affection for nelson mandela around the world but also in the united states. this is -- we don't have live pictures. i believe we'll get them later.
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this is the south african embassy on massachusetts avenue in washington, d.c. that is where there have been so many people coming forward,ent chaing, putting flowers and candles out to mem rate what is taking place, tributes near the statute of any son mandela. >> we will saul that in london, as well. there were people out there all day. robert ker now, our correspondent in jan hannessburg. she's done a extraordinary job since he passed. she has been embraced by the man, covering him for years and takes a look back now at the man's life and the struggle that really defined who he was. ♪ >> nelson mandela's struggle for freedom defined had his life. he was born in the remote hills of south africa's eastern cape. he was given the name hole had i
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siz we which means troublemaker. he was given the name nelson by a teacher later on. after studying law, his trouble making politics ticks began, and as a boxer he became adept at picking fights and sparring with the an hart hide authority which had increased its oppression against the black population. it was there that mandela made the crucial decision to take up an arms struggle launch the armed wing. he was militant and a fire brandie fointly burning his passbook, a dred the document the an hart hide authorities used to control the movement of south africa's black population. >> the africans require one the franchise on the basis of one man, one vote. they want political independence. >> that simple.demand and the methods he took to fight for democracy eventually saw him and others tried for treason and sabotage by the apartheid
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government, acts punishable by death but they got life imprisonment instead, banished to robben island one of the country's most brutal and isolated prison. another political prisoner remembers the first time he saw mandela in the primp yard. >> i could see from the way he walked and from his conduct that here was a man already stamping his authority on prison regime. >> mandela was released 27 years later. >> i have spoken about freedom in my lifetime. your struggle, your commitment, and your discipline has released me to stand before you today. >> and his lack of bitterness towards the apartheid authorities helped him to lead one of the most remarkable political transitions of the
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20th century. mandella, the trained lawyer and lifelong rebel outmaufred the apartheid leaders. and he steered south africa's peaceful transitionings to democracy. he won a nobel peace prize together with his former enemy the leader f.w. de klerk. >> i will devote myself to the well-being of the republic and all its people. >> then he became south africa's first black president in 1994. >> so help me god. >> what marks mandela's career as president more almost more than anything else, this is after five years, he stepped down. there have been very few presidents in africa who have ever given up willingly. >> don't cull call me. i'll call you. >> his retirement years were busy with fund-raising for charities close to his heart. he celebrated his 90th birthday
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with much fanfare. and told cnn in a rare interview that looking back, he wouldn't do anything differently. >> i don't regret it because the things that attracted me were things that pleased my soul. >> now those who loved and respected him look to his legacy. >> and if we want to learn from him, learn that life is not made up of separate victories. it's made up of mistakes, zig-zags, stumbling, picking yourself up, and dusting off the dirt, treating the bruise, and walking again forward. and that's what mandela is. >> good-bye. >> robyn curnow, cnn, johannesburg, south africa. >> just a magical moment when you see the smile and the dance there i had a couple
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opportunities to meet him. extraordinary. the life inside of him, the lessons learned, absolutely. >> apparently a bit of a flirt too. >> he was. >> ladies man. now in the final years of his life, as we know, he hasn't been well for sometime. secret plans were hammered out that involved the government, the military even and also mandela's family about what to do, preparing a fitting farewell for this great man. >> and even the current south african president jacob zunl ma announcing plans for the funeral today including a national day of prayer and reflection this sunday. also anpeir memory it will service at johannesburg soccer stadium next tuesday. his burial set for december 15th. >> that burial area is in his hometown especially built for him. some of his long deceased family members are already buried at that site. that's where he wanted to be buried. >> this is nelson mandela's twitter account, sending out inspiring quotes from him.
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we'd like to share a few letters from robben island prison and the speeches throughout his life. he says i learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. >> he also said do not judge me by my successes. judge me by how many times i fell down and got back up again. >> everyone it can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to the -- and passionate about what they do. >> good advice there. here's more what we're working on this hour for "around the world," mandel lal spent years in notorious robben island prison. he was beaten but never broken. >> hear why he sacrificed himself to end the terrible system of racial segregation and humiliation. my name is mike and i quit smoking.
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cortizone-10 has the strongest nonprescription itch medicine plus moisturizers to help heal skin fast. cortizone-10. feel the heal. extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud. our daily dues as ordinary south africans must produce an actual south african reality that will reinforce humanity's belief in justice.
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>> that will distinctive voice and those words that resonate to the this day. nelson mandela, of course, spent 27 years of his life in prison, much of that time in notoriously brutal conditions in a place called robben island off the coast of south africa. >> few can recount the horror that mandela and other prisoners endured their time there. one of his fellow inmates talked to cnn about his time in prison alongside mandela. >> i didn't -- i didn't think it would ever happen. i thought the generation of prisoners who were there with mr. mandela would not see a free south africa. those who passof us in our 20s time by the time change made would be pretty old and wouldn't be able to make a contribution to a democratic south africa. >> mandela spent 18 years behind those walls. he was confined to a very tiny
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cell. the floor served as his bed and a bucket was his toilet. >> he was forced to do hard labor. actually literally breaking rocks. he was only allowed one visitor a year. and that was for 30 minutes. this was usually his then wife winnie mandela, familiar to many. they weren't allowed to even touch. he was only allowed two letters a year from his family. >> president obama and his family toured robben island during their first visit to south africa in june into word of any son mandela's death spread quickly around the world and the united states, of course. for many americans his death was like losing one of his own. >> president obama met the leader in 2005 and he and the first lady visited south africa in june but they were unable to meet with mandela due to his failing health. the president paid tribute to the falling icon counting himself among the millions influenced by mandela. >> the day he was released from
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prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they're guided by their hopes and not by their fears. and like so many around the globe, i cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that will nelson mandela set. >> want to bring in andrew young, civil rights leader and former ambassador to the united nations. welcome, as well as james joseph, former u.s. ambassador to south africa and duke university professor, both of who new mandela very well on a personal level. ambassador, i'd like to start with you. you draw parallels. you talk about how this was so important, so significant in some ways to the civil rights movement and the struggle at the time. for us, i was a college student when we had a lot of those divest from the from the south africa shantytowns in the yards of the campuses. tell us the connected you had with the civil rights movement. >> understood that as dr. king
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said, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. and so we knew of chief albert la tooley and the african national crisis. we entertained oliver tambo and mbeki when they were in exile. but my first real conflict, i went to south africa with arthur ashe in 1974 to play tennis. we tried to seaman della and didn't but we saw robert subuqwai who had just gotten out of jail and we started the sanctions movement in the congress. and the first two, i remember bill gray and i were working on this bill and we didn't want it to be a black caucus bill so we went to jack kemp and newt gingrich who were republicans who said they were conservative but not racist. we said this is a good chance
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for you to put your names on something that is conservative democracy and free enterprise is what we're advocating. they were the first two to sign. and then everybody signed up. >> but there was opposition too, wasn't there? >> there was plenty of opposition, but the opposition was balanced out by nigeria because nigeria was the leading trading partner with great britain. and when president ba sen joe found that nigerian oil was going to south africa, he cut off oil to britain and canceled over $2 billion worth of british contracts. then margaret thatcher sent lord carington down to meet with him. they formed that committee of esteemed persons that ended up completing the negotiations and i think it was one of the finest hours of the commonwealth. >> yeah. >> and the u.s. congress. >> people had to be talked --
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>> the congress had to override a vote toe. >> it was a long fight coming >> even thatcher was opposed initially and turned around, too. let's bring in ambassador joseph into the conversation. you were ambassador from '95 to '99 i believe. that was a critical time there. what are your thoughts back at that time, the witness to the signing of the constitution, just such a historic day in that country. >> well, i was you was first an activist and i ended up being a diplomat but you make reference to the signing of the constitution. i was in sharpeville when nelson mandela signed the constitution. i was sitting right behind former president de klerk and wondering what he was thinking. but as far as my own thoughts, i was of thinking about how many times we used the slogan "remember sharpesville" because
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more than 60 people had been murder there had. and then it suddenly occurred to me that if any son mandela col forgive his oppressors, then who am i to sit there and not forgive. >> did you find that he was somebody who, and other people have said this, that he was somebody who recognized, studied those who opposed him, the enemy, if you like for want of a better word, studied them but respected them and showed that respect and in many ways sort of neutralized their power against him? is that a fair statement? >> oh, yes. he had a very winning personality, a see duckettive smile and intimate handshake, which made you feel like you had known him for a long time, but one of the things that struck me and still does is that he knew his adversaries history and culture as well as he knew his own. by demonstrating respect for
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their humanity, they in turn respected his humanity. >> ambassador joseph, thank you very much. ambassador young, if you will, wrap this for us and give us a sense of the last time that you saw mandela. what really struck you? i know he was ill but what struck you about that meeting? >> the last time that i saw him was actually at the inauguration of president jacob zuma. it was a passing on of the torch first to m becky, then to jacob zuma, but he was still the moral force that will held that country together and he still is and will continue to be. >> and we are almost out of time. i've got to throw this into you. you knew the mandela days. there's been a lot of disappointment in thao mbeki and jacob zuma on management levels and personality wise. do you think nelson mandela
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would have been happy with the country he's left behind now? >> no, he would never be happy until the hungry are fed and the naked clothed and the sick are healed. but they start the out with a nation where 85% of the people were discriminated against. they're probably now down to 70% of the people hole still in poverty. but we have in this nation probably 30% of the people are still in poverty. so we've got a long way to go. >> ambassador young, thank you so much for your time. >> fascinating >> other world leaders have been inspired by mandela's ability to fib his enemies. a man who chose reconciliation retribution when he took power. >> as a leader, he was just a huge inspiration. i remember when we started our own peace process in northern ireland, he was such al example for reconciliation, forgiveness, the ability to put the past
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behind. >> you the reaction 0 mandela's death from around the globe coming up next. [ female announcer ] we give you relief from your cold symptoms. you give them the giggles. tylenol cold® helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol cold®. plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health.
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>> the people who knew and worked with nelson mandela, they're saying today things like, they've always said too, that he was laid back, he was personable. quick with a laugh, a bit of a
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lady's man at times. >> well, you know, he was somebody who a lot of people appealed to. and, of course, an inspiration from around the world. tony blair said just a minute ago said mandela was fun and funny, humorous, his words, immepsly humble. today everybody from people to world leaders to people who grew cup inspired by him reflecting on his life and contributions. aaron macculloch lynn has more. >> tonight, one of the brightest lights of our world has gone out. >> news of his death traveled swiftly around the world. in the uk, prince william and kate heard the news while attending the premier of the film mandela long walk to freedom." >> extremely sad and tragic news. we're reminded what an extraordinary and inspiring man he was. >> just hours before signing autographs on the red carpet, british actor idris elba who
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portrayed the south african icon if the film shared this story from one of his daughters. >> in his own words and zindzi told me this today, i'm not sick, i'm just old. >> the actor said in a statement to cnn what an honor it was to step into the shoes of any son mande mandela. my thoughts and prayers are with his family. across the can globe, world leaders reflected on the legacy nelson mandela leaves behind. at the united nations, silence. and remembrance of his enormous impact. >> no one did more in our time to advance the values and aspirations of the united nations. nelson mandela showed what is possible for our world and within each one of us if we believe. >> today, he is remembered in every corner of the globe. the australian prime minister. >> nelson mandela was one of the great figures of africa.
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arguably one of the great figures of the last century. a truly great man. >> and in canada where in 2001, mandela became the first honor area citizen of ottawa, the prime minister said the world has lost one of its great moral leaders. >> despite his long years of captivity, mr. mandela left prison with his mind closed to any settling of scores and his heart open to those he had fought against. >> mandela in his fight for equality influenced not just world leaders but also the people of the world. >> it's been an inspiration for generations growing up. the civil rights not just of people in south africa but around the world. sadly, that struggle still goes on. >> reporter: nelson mandela's death is front page news here in london. take a look at some of the headlines. here is the son, says president of the world.
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the london times" simply has a photograph of him gazing off into the distance. and then the daily mail with the headline "death of a colossus." many people in london waking up to these headlines, waking up to this news and they've come here to the south africa house to pay tribute. they've been coming steadily all day long. there's a two-hour line to sign a book of condolences. they're singing and playing songs and dancing in tribute to his life and legacy. so a real celebration here of any son mandela in london. suzanne and michael. >> erin mclaughlin. london was the scene of daily protests during the times of apartheid, too. permanent protests there in london. all right. well, the world lost an icon and the world likes to claim nelson mandela, but of course, he has a family. his family lost a husband, a father, a grandfather and so much more. >> we'll bring you a personal view of the former south african
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>> people around the world remembering the great nelson mandela, prisoner turned president who reconciled a country and changed the world. mandela has long been a symbol of hope and freedom for millions of people around the world, all walks of life. >> yeah, universally helped to break the shackles of racial segregation, do away with white minority rule in south africa, but instead of anger against the oppressors, he chose forgiveness, patience and understanding. it worked, too. our colleague nadia belichick is a friend to the mandela family and joins us now to talk about this leader on an iconic -- on a very personal level. now, you were back in south africa just last week. >> yes, i was back last week and i got to spend the morning with winnie and the granddaughter zazi. and i said how is madiba doing and they said the same. and the same meant he still had
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tubes that were draining the fluid from his lungs. but i don't think they thought death was imminent. today i spoke to zanani and said the world has lost a loebl icon but you've lost a father. but the thing they wanted to talk most about was the new mandela movie "long walk to freedom." i wanted to show you my favorite clip from the movie. >> the arrests? >> usually they wait till just before the girls come back from school to take me away. so the girls will find an empty home. i think about these things, you know. i think about me a lot. >> so there's idris elba and naomi harris as winnie. she said she got my mannerisms,
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she got my walk. when i spoke to zenai, she said the wonderful things is it's one of the first movies that highlighted the role my mother played in the struggle. today we honor her but don't forget the role that other people played in the struggle and we're hearing from so many of them today. the way i like to describe mandela, he turned a nightmare into a vision, a vision into a dream. and a dream into a reality. that is not a perfect but a pretty good south africa. >> nadia, you had the honor of being close to the family. thank you very much. appreciate your insights, as well. >> everything that you. >> and the world watching as the groups now announced for 2014 world cup in brazil next. details on the just announced match-ups and, of course, nelson mandela's role in the sport that defined a part of his legacy. >> i was there. we're going to automatic talk
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world cup when we come back. [ paper rustles, outdoor sounds ] ♪ [ male announcer ] laura's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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sport, of course, having the power to i think chat world. those are really it's simple and yet powerful words of any son mandela. this is a year after winning south africa's first multi racial election he helped welcome the 19959 rugby world cup to south africa. then would he won it. it couldn't have been a better story. his soccer legacy though came years later when south africa was awarded the honor of saging the 2010 world cup finals. the ailing former leader was
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there at the end of it all. it he didn't attend the early part. let's bring in cnn sports. i was honored. i got to go there, cover it. it was awesome. it was such a thrill for a football fan. talk about mandela's role in getting the world cup to south africa and what it meant. >> for nelson mandela, sport was everything and allowed for harmony he brought across everybody. it allowed for hope to be generated through sport where there might not have been hope ever before and he was very instrumental in being there in 2004 when fifa awarded south africa the ability to host the world cup and then you're looking at him here in 2010 and that was a major moment. the crowd gave him a standing ovation and everybody in the stadium could actually -- it was described as kind of spine tingling because it was i an manning cal moment. >> it is incredible when you think about that, just the impact it had on the country but
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also how people saw race relations around the world there. new announcement on this year. >> yes. >> big day. >> give us a sense. >> i don't like my group, by the way. >> oh, no. >> we're in with spain. >> you are, and i am the bearer of bad news. i apologize in advance. you know, the usa could actually be in the group of death. >> group of death. >> the usa are grouped with germany, ghana and portugal. >> oh, boy. >> and to top it all off, the group that they're in that group d, it's a bad group. it's a bad group climate wise because they're playing up in the tropics. 99% humidity it can get up to. >> we'll be watching. >> now you know football fans or soccer fans as you like to say, the usa group of death. the aussie group is not that much bet per thanks a lot. >> many people who spent time with mandela sharing their personal stories today including my own. that's right. nelson mandela, of course,
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meeting it people several times, but one of them right here on this day when he showed president bill clinton around the prison cell on robben island. d"
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open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare on so many, including myself. he was released from prison in february of 1990, and 23 days after he walked out of robben island, before his big world tour, i had the rare opportunity of meeting him up close and personal on march 4th. i was living in egypt at the time traveling to visit my visit who was in zimbabwe. we were on a small plane with my family when we made a stop in ethiopia where the pilot announced a special guest had come on board. he said it was mandela. at the moment i saw winnie peek around the curtain that separated us from the first class section. mandela would say hello to all
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of us at the end of the flight and he did just that. he shook our hands. he was greeted in zimbabwe to celebrate their ten-year anniversary of independence pfsty red carpet that rolled out, flowers, chants, singers. it was incredible the excitement many felt just seeing the man after his release. eight years later, i had the rare opportunity of ming him again in 1998 as a young reporter covering bill clinton's trip to africa. as one of the pool reporters got to cover the tour, the mandela gave the tour to the clintons where he showed them his prison cell number five where he was held for 18 years. he was thoughtful, no sense of bitterness and clinton told mandela on that trip that he was glad his heart did not return to stone. i returned to that cell just last year on a tour and there's been fresh paint, it's a national museum. but what strikes you is that the tour guides are former inmates.
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they all neuman dellaen an they talked to me what it was like to be with him in those tiny cells for so many years hoping one day that their corrupt would change. i sat down with his former son-in-law who also told me about what mandela meant to the country and to the family. >> we call him da da you know, we always respect that he's the foundation of this nation. he gave us, you know, these principles of humanity. as a foundation for the whole nation, he was able to coko cou down -- calm down the fire when south africa was about to explode. but he spoke a lot of sense to a
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lot of people who were angry about what had happened. ♪ happy birthday to you >> he's a father of the whole nation, not only in south africa, but all over the world. he's that symbol, reconciliation. you know. he taught the world that how important it is to be human, you know, so he's not only a father of south africa, but a father of the whole world. ing >> and that interview was done just last october when i visited south africa. >> wonderful memories. >> amazing. good stuff. all right. the mandela family has given its stamp of approval to a new movie chronicling his life as we touched on earlier. have a listen. >> we will fight for our
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freedom! not a war. >> it's called "mandela: long walk to freedom" based on his autobiography. a live report on the movie and this overall-star power straight ahead. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+.
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all right. nelson mandela was a revolutionary leader, of course. he became a symbol of peace. his life, well, it's been portrayed in almost a dozen means on the big screen. >> a new film "mandela: long walk to freedom" starring idris elba as mandela. take a look as they capture a
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historic moment from mandela's trial. >> we want equal political rights. one man, one vote. i have dedicated myself to this struggle of the african people. i have fought against white domination. i have fought against black domination. i have cherished the idea of a free democratic society where all all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. it is an idea which i hope to live for and achieve. but if need be, it is an ideal for which i am prepared to die. >> famous words. >> he nails the voice. >> absolutely. >> nails it. >> entertainer reporter nischelle turner reporting from new york. this got the stamp of approval from the family. that is not an easy thing to do. how did that happen?
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>> first of all, to think that idris al bal told me he was scared to death when he first got this role because he said, how do you take on a man of this measure? and how do you take on such an iconic figure and do it justice. he didn't understand how to do it. but he has done it. the director justin chad which can told me he spent a long time with the mandela family consulted with them step by step on this movie. he thinks it's almost the official mandela film because the family and mr. mandela definitely approved of this film going forward. it took a long time for them to making >> yeah. initial, thanks so much. out of time. i've got to say though quickly, envictory tus was my favorite about the rugby world cup. my goodness. >> this movie is great, michael. this movie's great. >> i've got to check it out. i of check it out. did the love "invictus." good to see, initial. >> thanks again for watching "around the world," this special edition. "cnn newsroom" starts right now.
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>> right now, more americans are finding work. november job numbers are in, and the news is good. you're going to hear why the unemployment rate is so significant and what it says about the strength of the u.s. economic recovery. also right now, a treacherous storm is leaving a huge a huge section of the united states under a thick coat of ice. states of emergency are in effect from the texas to tennessee. other states are getting hit with heavy snow and bone-chilling temperatures. we'll take you to the storm zone. and right now, crowds are gathered outside nelson mandela's home in south africa. the country and the world are remembering him for his courage, his strength and his dignity. we're going live to south africa and we'll also speak with the former secretary of state, colin powell.


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